Ageing is a misnomer. A misconception and a much-misunderstood word. Nobody dies of ageing. People die of diseases that accompany old age which is largely preventable. People believe aging is irreversible. However, if you remove toxins from the body, if you remove the stress out of your life through meditation, the process of aging can slow down. If you change your environment and undergo certain procedures whereby you take an increased intake of anti-oxidant in your diet, you can actually reverse the biological markers of aging. One can change the blood pressure, one can improve hearing, one can improve one’s eyesight. In short, all the things that we think go with the aging process, are reversible. There are people who are 25 who behave as if they are 40. Similarly, there are people who are 40 who have the biology of a young person.
You can improve your lifestyle, remove toxins from your environment, reduce stress in your life, and improve food quality, and this will actually add not only 30 to 50 years to your life but also life to your years. Both quantity and quality will be added to your life. Most people think ageing is universal. But there are organisms in this world that never age, microorganisms like protozoa and certain other species such as Hydra. This shows that there are mechanisms in nature that respond to the biological clock. Man is the only species that knows that we are aging. Our science and current prevailing scientific wisdom tell us that our biological potential is at least 130 years, which means when you are in your 70s, you have not even begun middle age. This is the best time of your youth.